Build up:
All vehicles unloading, whether cars or lorries, need to obtain a Lorry Access Document. When you arrive, you will be directed to the relevant part of the Voyage control to park and unload. Please make sure you are familiar with your event name, hall number and stand number to ensure you are directed to the best entrance for your stand location.
Once unloaded please take your vehicle back to the underground car park to make space for other exhibitors.
The show closes at 4.30pm on Thursday 18th April and you may not begin breaking your stand down before this time. Once the organiser is happy that the halls are clear of visitors you will hear an announcement that breakdown may begin.
We recommend that drivers should return to their vehicles 15 minutes before the show close / published breakdown time. Cars and cars with trailers are given priority to park at the rear of the halls, as they only take a short time to load.
At this point any cars or cars with trailers arriving for breakdown (or which are already in the car parks) should report to the lorry way at the close of show.
Commercial Vehicles arriving for breakdown should report to the lorry way on the last day of the show - Vehicles will be queued in lines by hall number on a first come first served basis. They can then park free of charge in the queue through the day until post-show breakdown commences. Vehicles will be released up to the halls on a first come first served basis, once all the cars have parked up and if space is available. This can take some time - so please be patient.
Please note that you will be required to wear hi-vis vests in the loading bays and in the halls during build up and breakdown and that children under 16 are not permitted in the halls during this time.
All vehicles delivering and collecting from the venue during build-up and breakdown must book a slot on our vehicle booking system at